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Old 10-27-2023, 07:27 AM   #3
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Default Re: Brief Introduction- I Started Leaving the Local Church 5 Years Ago

Mental and physiological pain is one of the hardest things to overcome. Although it’s maybe not as pronounced and not as mind numbing as physical pain in it’s ferocity and degrees, nevertheless the constant of the concealed burden that’s basically never visible or opened to an outside world is dramatic and can become unbearable.

As someone who has been through the experience of the local church with all of its rituals, shunnings & cutting off of all normal, natural human needs which causes extreme damage and pain to all involved and I also went through immense pain of sexual abuse. I will take the physical pain seven days a week and twice on Sunday over the mental & psychological issues that come from the Local church association. Being violated physically can be overcome by just a mere understanding of a fallen, wicked & unregenerate man, but overcoming mental and psychological issues and pain done to you under the structure and the name of God, can become overwhelming.
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