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Old 10-21-2023, 07:30 AM   #109
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
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Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Originally Posted by ACuriousFellow View Post
Amen. Some people like me found another assembly and found healing in the arms of the Lord. Others like Nell took a step back from the assemblies and found healing in the arms of the Lord. Still others find a form of the assembly on sites like this and find healing in the arms of the Lord.

The Body of Christ exists in many forms, grand and small, and the Lord has surely been merciful to its members.

1 For he has searched us, and the Lord knows us. 2 He knows when we sit and when we rise; he perceives our thoughts from afar. 3 He discerns our going out and our lying down; he is familiar with all of our ways. 4 Before a word is on our tongue, the Lord knows it completely. 5 He hems us in behind and before, and he lays his hand upon us. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for us, too lofty for us to attain. 7 Where can we go from his Spirit? Where can we flee from his presence? 8 If we go up to the heavens, he is there; if we make our bed in the depths, he is there. 9 If we rise on the wings of the dawn, if we settle on the far side of the sea, 10 even there his hand will guide us, his right hand will hold us fast. 11 If we say, “Surely the darkness will hide us and the light become night around me,” 12 even the darkness will not be dark to him; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to him. 13 For he created our inmost being; he knit us together in our mothers’ wombs. 14 Let us praise him because we are fearfully and wonderfully made; his works are wonderful, let us know this full well. 15 Our frame was not hidden from him when we were made in the secret place; when we were woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 His eyes saw our unformed body; all the days ordained for us were written in his book before one of them came to be. 17 How precious to us are the thoughts of God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were we to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when we awake, we are still with him.

19 If only he, our God, would slay the wicked! [Ephesians 2] Away from us, you who are bloodthirsty! [Isaiah 55; John 7:37-39] 20 Those who speak of him with evil intent; his adversaries misuse his name. [Hosea 2; Romans 9:22-26] 21 Do we not hate those who hate the Lord, and abhor those who are in rebellion against him? [Matthew 5:43-48; Luke 23:32-34] 22 We have nothing but hatred for them; we count them as our enemies [John 3:16-21; Romans 5]. 23 Search us, God, and know our hearts; test us and know our anxious thoughts. [Hebrews 4; Philippians 4] 24 See if there is any offensive way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting. [Romans 3; 1 John 1; Psalm 51; John 8:1-11; John 14]

(Derived from Psalm 139. Annotations added in brackets.)
Amen ACuriousFellow!
For me life's greatest blessings has been organic salvation, marriage, children, and leaving the local churches and it's fellowship based on LSM publications.

Terry Fisher
The Church in Los Angeles 1971-1972 Phoenix 1972-1973 Albuquerque 1973-1975 Anaheim 1976-1979 San Bernardino 1979-1986 Bellevue 1993-2000 Renton 2009-2011
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