Originally Posted by aron
Notice the use of the word 'pure' twice - the ministry is said to be pure, and you have to be pure in heart or you won't get it. But Philip Lee wasn't pure, repeatedly assaulting office staff (and it was assault - he was LSM Office Manager and liaisons with underlings were abuses in the same manner that Harvey Weinstein's were). And therefore Witness Lee wasn't pure either, putting him in position to do this even though PL wasn't 'spiritual' in Lee's own admission. And then, WL covered for him repeatedly so that he got to do this again. Where's the purity here, either of ministry or heart? I don't see any indications; rather, the opposite.
This brief post summarizes the entire "storm" of the late 80's - early 90's.
For decades we in the Recovery were all informed,
and thoroughly convinced, that this ministry alone was "pure." While all other ministries were a little more honest and humbled, e.g. "
I'm only a sinner saved by grace," WL and Company were unique. They alone were pure, holy, special, spiritual,
and recovered from all the ills and sins which have beset the rest of us Christians for the last two millennia.
WL made a profitable career out of telling us how every ministry on earth was deficient. The entire Bible was merely a resource manual at his disposal for exposing the flaws and failures of all other ministers. No other ministry but his own was so exacting in duplicating the ministry of Paul in the early church. We alone were *
recovered* from all the errors and failures of the church age.
I was sold. I bought into the entire package. Ask anyone.
Then I learned the truth, and the truth set me free. WL and his family were just common sinners, like the rest of us. When it came to his own family, everything was done with
partiality. When it came to those who complained about their abuses and unrighteousnesses, everything was done with
prejudice. WL claimed to be today's Paul, but when faced with these tests, he did just the opposite as Paul. (I Timothy 5.19-21)
And they wonder why we left, and why we still speak up.