NOT Leaving the LRC has consequences too....
I agree that leaving the Local Church has consequences, but NOT leaving has more serious consequences.
I disagree that those who leave are spiritually wrecked permanently, which seems to be the implication of Kaung and others. It's not easy but there is spiritual health and hope. I escaped this place some 20 years ago and have been in contact with a group of escapees ever since who have been restored to a healthy walk with the Lord.
I've shared my prayer many times: "Lord, please don't let go of me." and "Please don't make me go back there." I also seem to remember, at one point, I asked him not to make me read the Bible anymore.
Maybe that's not much of a prayer, but He is faithful to this day. I didn't realize it at the time, but what helped me, maybe the most, was that I didn't start looking for another church. I needed to restore my relationship with my family so that's what I did. in fact, I didn't read my bible for several years...which, looking back, was like a "detox" for me. When I did begin to read the Bible again, it was like a new book! I just talked to Him, and I kept talking...that was important. Most of all, I needed to be restored to Him. No organization by man can replace a walk with Him.
All organized churches are organized and managed by one extent or another. We should have learned that from Witness Lee. The churches in the Revelation all had problems...except for one. Of course, all organized churches are not as toxic as Lee's was and still is. The point is: we don't have to find another church. When we find the Lord, and obey him, he will lead us. When Jesus said "I will build my church" I think we can safely say that what we call "church" today is not what Jesus has in mind. We just need to get out of his way....
So the "consequences" of leaving Lee's organization are one thing, but not having a healthy walk with the Lord is the greatest loss of all.
There's a verse:
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.