Originally Posted by ACuriousFellow
How can one not be worse off after having to deal with such things for so long and then breaking off all of their connections? But praise the Lord that the leaders of The Lord's Recovery are often just full of hot air. There is a life beyond the "Local Churches" and a way outside of "The Lord's Recovery." One does not need to be bound by the chains which were placed on them by this group, and one can certainly come back to the scriptures and see for themselves what the Lord has to say to his people.
I meet with a small group of brothers weekly. Some are ex-Recovery bros and some are aren't. I was relating something of my testimony, how the Lord had showed me (in a pit of desperet seeking) there were plenty of those outside TLR that were strongly seeking and experiencing Him in a fresh way. The non-Recovery bros just looked puzzled by that, so I explained how we in the LC were indoctrinated to think a certain way, by being told over & over & over "There's nothing outside TLR that is fresh from the Lord, so don't even bother to look!" Again, the ex-Recovery bros understood, but the others really didn't understand how we could be duped like that.
And now it seems most incredulous to me that we swallowed that soooo readily . . .