Originally Posted by Nell
Good points, and I agree.
Based on these verses in Revelation 6 I personally believe that we are in the beginning stages of the tribulation now. I pray I'm wrong.
I agree. Talk to Christians in China, Muslim countries, or even Canada, and they will say that 5th Seal tribulation has already begun. When the Bible says "Great" Tribulation, it does not mean the
only tribulation, but the worst tribulation mankind has ever seen. The G.T. will not just be an assault on Christians and Jews, but all mankind. There will be slaughters from the Beast on earth, and supernatural calamities from the heavens. The finale will be that horrible battle of Armageddon, with the armies of the East and the West, the kings of the earth gathered to make war against Him who rides the white horse, whose name is the Word of God.