Originally Posted by Nell
So..."tribulation", in this context, is "the great tribulation". The prophets, Jesus himself in Matthew 24, and John in the book of Revelation discuss "the great tribulation".
Based on current events and Biblical prophecy, covered in the movie The Coming Convergence, do you believe we are, or could be, in the beginning stages of the great tribulation? After watching the movie, if you haven't already, do you still "lean toward" the concept of pre-tribulation rapture of the believers?
Another question, if the "great tribulation" is NOT underway (to some extent) when it does begin, what would it look like? What signs are you looking for? What signs would change your mind? The referenced movie makes a pretty clear case that (at least) the beginning of the end is underway.
If so, another question...if the great tribulation has begun, what does that do to the doctrine of "Pre-Tribulation Rapture"?
Nell, the Bible is pretty specific about the Great Tribulation. Jesus said the G.T. will begin (Mt 24.21) after the "abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel, standing in the holy place." (Mt 24.15; Daniel 9.27) This will occur in the middle of the last week of years spoken of by Daniel.
The length of time of the G.T. will be 1/2 of 7 years, or 3.5 years (Dan 7.25; Rev 12.14), and is also referred to as 42 months (Rev 11.2; 13.5), and 1,260 days (Rev 11.3; 12.6)
The abomination of desolation at the Temple in Israel should correspond with the "revelation of the man of lawlessness, the son of destruction," spoken of by Paul. (2 Thess 2.3)
This time of the G.T. does not mean there will be no "tribulation," natural or supernatural calamities, or persecution prior to it.