Originally Posted by PriestlyScribe
Yes Terry, and why did those leaders believe their churches could not function without Lee's Ministry?
It was because Witness Lee, who had previously hoodwinked (and addicted) them into exclusively consuming ONLY HIS "Cargo", also warned those same leaders that a total collapse of their church would be the logical outcome!
Liar, liar pants on fire
Watch the 17sec video HERE.
Download it (4meg) HERE: https://www.johningalls.com/WiseMast...-Essential.m4v
PriestlyScribe, lets look at the churches that parted ways with Living Stream Ministry?
Have they collapsed? No they have not. Church in Toronto is still going on as are the churches in Moses Lake, Rosemead, etc to name a few.
I think the real reason why Local Church elders cling on to Lee's ministry, is the reaction Living Stream would respond with if a Local Church decided to drop the publications and just use the Bible.
The bottom line is money. Local Church affiliated with Living Stream Ministry only exist primarily for the benefit of Living Stream Ministry. Weekly church services are secondary to the ministry publications.