Originally Posted by Unregistered
I don’t know this author, nor am I super interested to get there. I have came to a simple conclusion in my life, and that is to never read or support anything from anyone who is writing about something they haven’t done, been a part of. Simple put, if you haven’t done it, experienced it, especially when it comes to reviews of churches, workplaces, restaurant or anything else of significance, I don’t want to hear your reviews or conclusions.
I know it rubs people the wrong way, which it looks like it did for you. I chose every day to say no to many books and reviews, and just put them in the “fiction section”. Why?, because although it may contain some truth in them, the missing what I call “the soul” of the book, which only can be written about or reviewed by immersing oneself into the particular issue or a group is just not there. The closest review of this movement was done by Neil T. Duddy, and as an outsider at least he did some due diligence to speak with people who were once there, unlike CRI or anyone else since.
You can sue people or threaten them as the local church is very known to do. You can force people or pay someone to remove unwanted labels from your movement. But it’s only those who have had a taste of the content in the jar, now can step back and do the assessment of it. What is very unfortunate, is that local church will close the lid on you while you not paying much attention, and tell you that you must only eat of this jar, and live in this jar. Getting out is rough, but now that I’m sitting here and drinking my Caramel Macchiato that I did pay $6.90 for, I can freely not look on any labels, or wild superlative description of something one way or another, until I have invested myself into a matter diligently, without preconceived notion’s or whatever is proclaimed by anyone!
So ... Unregistered ... I'm assuming that you love all my posts since I was totally immersed in the LC movement for decades. I completely "tasted the content of the jar" every day, all day long for years and years. I have "done it, tasted it, experienced it, lived it," and been a part of it.
Plus, because I'm so "steeped in their tea" ...
remember teaification? ... all of my posts are "
short, quick, living, and to the point." can't get better than that!
So, before you judge this place or the posters, please do the same and register, eh?