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Old 09-05-2023, 11:27 AM   #606
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Default Re: The Asian Mind/The Western Mind

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I read the replies of Ohio and TLF and do see the point. I found a book on the Exclusive Brethren in Australia, led by Hales the supposedly Elect Vessel, and read of really underhanded things going on. And clearly they are not Oriental.
Yes aron, Bruce Hales leads the most extreme of all the Brethren Exclusives. They claim direct unbroken lineage back to J.N.Darby, much the same way that the Popes claim their lineage back to Peter. Here's the sequence of "God's Elect Vessels": J.N. Darby -> F.E. Raven -> James Taylor Sr. -> James Taylor Junior -> James Symington -> John Hales -> Bruce Hales. I think the worst was JT Jr, who had the morals of Philip Lee.

Your study into the mindset of Eastern and Western cultures definitely has been helpful, but since I am more familiar with church history, I tend to bring that slant to the forum. As soon as any church leader gets elevated to the top, the door opens wide to corruptions of every sort. Coupled with the demand to regularly "see new visions," the audience is now prepped to receive a host of perverted heresies.
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