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Old 09-05-2023, 07:06 AM   #7
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Default Re: Book by James G. Battell

Originally Posted by aron View Post
If the Pastor (or Minister, Reverend, Apostle, or whatever they style themselves as) places their son as Office Manager, which Manager then sexually assaults the office help (it's not consensual because of the power difference) and the Pastor subsequently removes Board members who find out and raise the issue, is that group a church or a cult? I say it's a cult.

If the Pastor repeatedly uses group members' money to fund businesses run by the Pastor's son, is that a church or a cult? I say it's a cult.

If I knew any of this, I never would have joined that group. All their protestations of orthodoxy were window dressing to aid recruiting. It was a personality cult designed and built to facilitate the lifestyle of the Witness Lee's's offspring. The whole thing was built on silence, intimidation and deception.
And, I suppose, this is my cue to step in and say that, in my opinion, the gross sins and lawless corruption by leaders in the Anaheim ministry offices do not characterize every member and every LC as a cult. Are not we all judged by our own actions? But these are just my own convictions, and may not represent every poster or the moderators of this forum. Personally, I never learned about these horrible 1980's era events until 2005, when I departed.

Every church I have ever met with (Catholic, evangelical Lutheran, LC, Pentecostal, Church of Christ, Independent Community, and now Baptist) has at one time or another been labeled a cult. To me the word has no Christian usefulness. In today's modern culture it's like calling someone you disagree with "racist."

Peace to all!
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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