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Old 09-04-2023, 06:07 AM   #5
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Default Re: Book by James G. Battell

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Just another men, trying to make a buck, that haven’t read or interviewed anyone making bold statements without any concrete evidence reviewed. Why do these men even try? I bet he didn’t read 2% of the LSM publications before he wrote his little booklet. He is welcome to dispute this, but it sure sound like another one bites the dust! I will save $4.99 for a cup of coffee, at least it will be more enjoyable that reading some uninformed individual trying to make sense of something he knows nothing about! (This would be my review on Amazon, if I would actually had an ability to do so).
While I believe a cursory glance at LSM can bring up a lot of red flags, I do wonder how deeply he's looked into the matter. There is so much nonsense that came out of Lee and Living Stream Ministry that it would honestly be nigh impossible to cover it all with just one little booklet like what Battell published.

For example, we have the "Minister of the Age" doctrine, which is one of the most ironic doctrines considering how much Lee hates the Catholic Church system. The sibling doctrine of "Deputy Authority" also feeds into this foolish notion that Lee and the leaders of The Lord's Recovery are some unquestionable authority figures whose ministries are perfectly crafted by God and should not be critiqued.

There's also the idea that if you turn away from the "Ministry" that comes from Lee's Life-Studies and the footnotes of the Recovery, you'll "lose everything" eventually. This often goes hand-in-hand with their "One Publication" mandate which demands that their affiliated churches only utilize materials from Living Stream Ministry. So much for not being a centralized church organization like the Catholic Church, huh?

At least he touched on the Local Churches' spiritual elitism which pervades their teachings and culture.

I'm actually trying to get in touch with him to see what else he knows about Local Church history and doctrine. He may be very interested to see the testimonies of those "rebels" John Ingalls and Jo Casteel who were trying to "poison" the church in an "attack from Satan."

There's so much more that can be discussed. Still, a lot of this stuff happened in the U.S., and if I'm not mistaken he seems to be British. Perhaps he has simply not seen the extent of LC nonsense that has transpired across the puddle.

I wonder if the Local Churches, which are totally not an organization, will collectively sue another author with the help of LSM. Can they sue a British author? Does Britain even have the same laws for such things? Guess we'll see!
A Curious Fellow
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