The Crucial Role of the Sisters in the Church Life
"This lesson applies to all Christians, both brothers and sisters, so the idea that females submit and males do not submit is a fallen concept that must be repudiated. The Bible charges us to submit to one another (Eph. 5:21) as a way to be filled in spirit and as an issue of being filled (v. 18)."
This is very true in marriage life. Submission is not one-sided. Sometimes the husband submits and sometimes the wife submits.
"The second matter that endangers the function of the sisters is gossip. Gossip kills our praying spirit, spreads death to the hearers, and annuls our ability to minister life to others. In the church life we may become aware of many affairs of the saints. If the saints’ affairs do not involve us, in principle, they are not our business, and we do not need to talk about them. Instead, we should allow the Lord to take care of the saints’ affairs. Nor should we inquire too much into the saints’ affairs when only a little inquiry is needed (133). Only after prayerful consideration before the Lord should we bring a matter concerning others to a more mature saint out of care for those involved."
When is gossip purely gossip and when is truth telling received as gossip?
This does not pertain to just sisters, but brothers too.
When a sister has a concern, who will she open to? Most likely the ones she is built up with. The concerns get back to a brother or brothers and it gets dismissed as gossip.
What do you do when these concerns is based on an immoral situation. For God-fearing sisters, to do nothing is not an option. I believe this is what happened in 1988 with the Church in Anaheim. By appearances the eldership was doing nothing and like last month's fire on the island of Maui, the fire spread too quickly within the church for the eldership to contain the situation. When brothers take their time from taking control of the situation, outrage is already in place.
I believe whenever a brother or sister has an eyewitness account of something grossly sinful, there is the expectation there is going to be action taken when they go to those in the lead. This is not just regarding the Local Churches, but any church fellowship.
I believe this may have served as an example for future dealings of immorality. Before letting the fire spread out of control, it is easier to put out of fellowship the one or ones ringing the bell of concerns.
As I said previously, gossip does not pertain to sisters, but brothers too. Late 1989 there was a series of elders meetings videotaped and a few years ago downloaded onto YouTube before being removed to claim of copyright infringement. Many of those meetings were brothers gossiping where John So was having meetings and where was John Ingalls having meetings. They were no longer meeting with the local churches, but these elders meetings exhibited so much attention where these two former elders were speaking.
The Church in Los Angeles 1971-1972 Phoenix 1972-1973 Albuquerque 1973-1975 Anaheim 1976-1979 San Bernardino 1979-1986 Bellevue 1993-2000 Renton 2009-2011