Originally Posted by Ohio
nearly all the articles & documents written by John Ingalls, John So, Bill Mallon, Ken Unger, Don Hardy, Albert Zehr, and so many others from back in ~late 1980's were basically unknown to all of us in the Midwest before we were quarantined in the mid-2000's.
I also heard of distant rebellions, but there was really no way to find anything out. And being busy with the so-called enjoyment, I never stepped back and used my God-given brain to consider the obvious logical disconnects in front of me. For example, in Witness Lee's biography of Watchman Nee,
A Seer of the Divine Revelation, there was a whole chapter devoted to female co-workers, but decades later, there were no more female co-workers...? The signs were there already. I chose not to look.
Or, typing "Fischbacher" into the search tab in LSM's 'ministrybooks' website produces something like 40 results, some showing Miss Fischbacher functioning as WN's co-worker. Or, enter "Elizabeth Fischbacher Watchman Nee" in Google search and numerous non-LSM results come up as well.
And then there's this:
Having moved to the International Settlement in Shanghai in 1926, Ni constituted in 1932 a group of “apostolic” co-workers that would lead what became the Little Flock Movement: Wang Peizhen (Peace Wang) and Li Yuanru (Ruth Lee), with Ni himself as supreme. They soon grew from a small household gathering to a network of local churches.
And so forth. As I said, multiple independent sources confirm these observations. Where did this idea of "apostolic co-workers" come from? There's a lot of information, both within LSM documents and without, that undercuts the positions set forth by ShepherdingWords' website. So, I suspect that SW article is a sop for internal consumption. There's no idea here that this will actually face critical scrutiny.
Instead, it says that the sisters' role is to submit, pray, shepherd young ones and sisters under guidance in brothers' decisions, and avoid gossip and negativity. Again, where's a Peace Wang or Dora Yu located, here? To mention these pillars of WN's little flock in this context might lead towards one of two conclusions: either the little flock of WN was illegitimately founded as a rebellion against God's established order, or else WL's ministry subsequently and illegitimately suppressed women.