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Old 08-22-2023, 03:22 PM   #18
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Default Re: LC Raised Child - Spiritual warfare in household (Help!)

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
I’ve said it many times. The Christian life is not about finding the right church…the right place. It’s about finding and knowing the one who died for you. It’s about trusting him and obeying him. Talk to him. Tell him you’re willing to go or stay, nevertheless his will. Tell him what you want then leave it to him to provide what he wills in his time. Finding a church, even “the best” church, will never measure up to knowing him.

I understand that one needs to center their life on Christ first and foremost, as loving God is the first and greatest command, but seeking out the brothers and sisters is good and healthy, too. Of course one may need time to heal from a place like The Lord's Recovery and should spend the time to get into the scriptures and seek the Lord personally so that they can become mature and learn to discern between good and evil, but that does not mean that trying finding a good or at least decent assembly should be thrown out the window entirely.

That the Christian life entails knowing the Christ and that the Christian life entails knowing the body of Christ, despite Witness Lee's perversions on the matter, are not mutually exclusive.

But something has come to my mind, and that is that perhaps someone may not be ready to leave, and it may not be best to try and rip themselves away yet. After all, Joseph was trapped in Egypt for many years as a prisoner and later a slave. Because of this, I would agree with Nell in saying that one should take their desires to the Lord first and foremost.

I was in it for nine years, and my questionings and struggles really began in earnest in the last three years. I spent much time taking it to the Lord in prayer and fellowshipping with my family about it. Then something quite dramatic happened and it was clear that it was time to move. Perhaps it will not be so dramatic for others, but nonetheless I make my point by saying it took much time of earnest prayer and fellowship.

Unless there is immediate danger or ongoing abuse, one should not necessarily be so hasty to cut and run, especially if they are minors who are financially and legally dependent on their parents, and one should not necessarily be so eager to give themselves blindly and wholeheartedly to the first assembly they come across.
A Curious Fellow
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