Originally Posted by aron
I think you've got my argument in a nutshell. The RecV footnote saying that "every local church must be absolutely identical with no distinctions whatever" would have been as offensive to the Spirit of grace if coming from a British or German, as it was when coming from a Chinese. It's a culturally-mediated attempt at imposition, where none should exist.
Lee took Paul’s word about teaching the same in every church (1 Cor 4.17) to such extreme. Like the Catholic missal I grew up with, one could visit any LC on the 2nd Sunday of August and expect to cover the same verses and hear the same message from the HWFMR. To Lee and the Blendeds, that was the glorious “oneness of the body.”
Spiritually speaking, that was fabricated nonsense, fake oneness, yet so difficult for childish Christians to discern. It’s human made, man-pleasing, work of fallen men, who have robbed and replaced the Head of the body operating thru healthy shepherd elders.