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Old 08-20-2023, 03:06 AM   #14
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: LC Raised Child - Spiritual warfare in household (Help!)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
So how do I tell my dad and the saints who reach out to me about upcoming meetings, conferences, and reading appointments, that I just don’t want to join them anymore? I’m afraid that if I do, I will be a ”prodigal son” case that will be discussed among the leading brothers, and then I will either be isolated, or the saints will try to make even more of an effort to hook me into meetings again.
Originally Posted by ByHisGrace View Post
My parents and I would fight almost every day until I leave home for a bit. Then they would calm down for awhile and it would begin again. I'm disappointed with myself for not being able to find strength in the Lord and speak with gentleness (as my bf did to me). My friend told me that remaining in the church is like poison that will eat into you slowly...

I hope that posting on here isn't showing dishonor to my parents, we've always been very close but I really don't know where else to turn at this point. They're making my relationship with my bf very difficult because of the church issues. They think that he is the only reason why I've left and the reason why our family is having problems. They would only be satisfied if I date a brother from the LC even though my dad used to say "As long as he loves the Lord". It's really starting to appear like I have no choice but to leave home.
One sees this, where children want to honour their parents and be obedient and live peacefully, yet find the local churches intolerable. The parents/family are "Sold Out" for the local churches of Witness Lee, and the unhappy poster just wants "Out", like, right now. And if that person is financially independent, they can usually move on. As the saying goes, "The Lord's recovery isn't for everyone."

But for those aged 15 - 22, it's often not as clear-cut. But I think that separation is possible if one does it by manageable degrees. If in group housing, get a dorm room next semester (group housing was big in my college). Or, go to a school where the LC isn't as prevalent... geographical relocation is a big one! Next, focus on doing well in studies. One can't go to every training, every conference, every meeting -- "Sorry, big exam tomorrow!!" Then use that degree or skill to get a job that can sustain a lifestyle financially. Little by little, separate from the local church without activating their rage/persecution complex. It just takes patience and time, a persistent effort, and common sense.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'

Last edited by aron; 08-20-2023 at 07:36 AM. Reason: brevity
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