San Antonio Elders
Hello there. I'm curious to know if anyone is familiar with the elders from San Antonio. I'd like to hear your stories about them if you are willing and able.
To my knowledge, the current elders are:
1. George Whittington
2. Mike Findeisin (Pretty sure I misspelled his name)
3. Enoch Elliot
4. Brad Nabers (I think he is technically a former elder? He sure seems to function like one)
5. Victor Sotelo (He is the newest elder, I believe, or at least an elder in training)
I've read some tidbits about George on this site, and it seems like he's consistently been a decent guy. That tracks with my experiences.
From what I've experienced in my time in San Antonio, Victor, Brad, and Mike are staunch supporters of The Lord's Recovery. By this I mean that they don't take too kindly to those who openly challenge Witness Lee's doctrines and theology. Overall, Mike seems like the most levelheaded of these three.
I haven't had many conversations with Enoch, but I've heard from one brother that he is apparently more tolerant of those who raise challenging questions.
I could tell you lots about my experiences with them, but I want to hear from others about them. I think it'll just help me feel less alone. I feel like they'd know who I was if they saw this, but that's a risk I'm willing to take. I wasn't exactly quiet during my departure. They are well aware of the fact that I left and why I left.
But if you feel like it would compromise your anonymity, then definitely don't do it! Don't be in a rush to share!
God bless!