Originally Posted by ACuriousFellow
Conversely, many not only believe you should leave if you aren't there for Lee's ministry but also that there is no other ministry. There's nothing else out there.
[I](Timestamp ~ 1:36:46) If it’s attacking the Ministry, I wanna read the Ministry even more! *amen* Because wha-what else, wh-what’s being offered to me as an alternative? What else am I gonna do? Where el- where else am I gonna go? What’s my direction? If you take away the church life, if you take away, you know, being in the process of being formed as, as the army and building up the wall, what am I gonna do with my life? There’s no purpose in my life. I have found the purpose in my life *amen* And I’m not going to be deterred from this purpose because someone got offended.[/I]
This is interesting food for thought to me.
This is called, “The Prison of Two Ideas.”
Two extremes are presented continually, as if no other option can possible exist. Both extremes are unhealthy and unscriptural. They’re “Lee only Lee” and “life without God or a Church life.”
It basically hard-wires your brain cells. It keeps you enslaved in their Prison. The victims know of no other alternatives. Thus, the real tragedy occurs far too often - those who leave, leave also their faith, their connections with anything Christian.