Originally Posted by aron
The topic deserves discussion, critical reflection, not reflexive indoctrination. If you are going to give your life to follow something, it deserves critical examination. Jesus withstood death; don't we think our ideas can withstand the light of critical reflection? If they endure, so much the better. But if we're afraid of examination, what does that suggest about our ideas?
While many may think it suggests that the ideas are false, we must also bear in mind that people can have the right ideas and not have the confidence or patience to defend them. At times, that can be even more tragic. Although I do realize that in the context of The Lord's Recovery, it is not simply that they lack confidence or patience, but rather that they actively snuff out any such attempts to examine these things.
Love the imagery of Jesus withstanding death, by the way. In his body, he died quite thoroughly, but in truth he put death and sin to shame and rose up high above them in power and greatness. They threw all they had at him and he withstood the trials and temptations. No one can topple the Lord's Annointed.