Originally Posted by ACuriousFellow
"Amen! It's so great that we don't have to worry about such things because we are only about LIFE! Oh Lord Jesus!"
One of the leading brothers named Gerald Chan is on record at the Harvard School of Public Health commencement address, saying that they should read widely, debate and discuss, and come up with ideas. "Life should be rich with ideas."
This means that not just Witness Lee's ideas, but all ideas should be open to examination and debate. Watchman Nee was famous for doing just that, for looking at the sweep of Christian history and reframing them to his own ideas (aka 'revelation'). Any of us can, and should do this, according to Chan.
So, we have two choices. Either we can be two-faced and go back to church and pretend we didn't hear this, or we own it. Either people should read widely and think deeply, discuss and debate, or they shouldn't. Obviously with my volume of posts on this forum, I agree with Chan's publicly stated position.
Why were local church websites instructed by Anaheim to put, "affiliated with Watchman Nee, Witness Lee" if they were local? By that matter isn't the Catholic diocese affiliated with Rome also local? You are either local and autonomous, or you are affiliated, according to WN's own definition, when he started the Little Flock. How can you possibly be both local and affiliated?
How could WN have senior apostolic co-workers who were women, when WL 80 years later wouldn't allow women to give a Sunday morning message in the congregation? Where would Dora Yu fit in WL's glorious church life?
How could some Psalms of imprecation be said to be types of Christ victorious over Satan, whilst others were deemed fallen, natural human concepts, as we should turn the other cheek and love our enemies? Should David have turned the other cheek with Goliath? It appears nonsensical.
How can there be 6 different centers of the universe? The throne of God, the tree of life, the human spirit, the altar of God, etc etc? All were variously posited by WL as the center of the universe. A simple Google search shows this.
I'm sure local church members, could come up with more, if they were given the freedom to think, to discuss and debate. Or was that public urging to ruminate and reflect, and come up with novel postulations just lip service from the group leader? Just window dressing to keep up appearances, or another layer of whitewash?