Originally Posted by UntoHim
The church has been around for a long time. Those of us born and raised in the 20th and 21st centuries are at the end of a long line of believers who gave their blood, and even their lives, so that we may have the sacred pages of scripture available to us today. I believe we are doing them, and even God, a terrible disservice by insisting upon someone's private interpretation of a secondary, non-essential doctrine/teaching. Brothers and sisters, there is a very good reason why none of these matters regarding rewards and punishment were debated over in any of the earliest Christian councils - it is because they are not essential - they are secondary at best.
You’re not wrong about this being a secondary issue, however it’s not a bold statement to say it’s a primary issue within the walls of The Recovery. If you could some how survey all the current members, if truthful, I would bet over 70% would say they haven’t left the recovery because of this specific doctrinal issue being discussed here.
In the Lord’s Recovery, being one included in the 1,000 year discipline is a complete failure. It’s dangled over the saints from those behind the pulpit, it’s read about during morning revival, there are hymns in the hymnal about it, there are entire conferences on the subject.
To not talk about this doctrine is just a complete disservice to those who have through the mercy and grace of God left this abusive cult, no matter where you land on the theology.