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Old 08-13-2023, 06:20 AM   #251
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Default Re: Open Letter - Dear Saints in the Lord's Recovery - Joann Casteel

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi Ohio,
If someone does not like to fellowship and worship in the Lord's recovery, then they are free to leave.
Yeah, sure. Raise a kid. Tell 'em that every other denomination is deformed and degraded and that The Lord's Recovery is the only way. Make every effort to hammer that in so that they become terrified of "death" for every thought they have against Witness Lee. Teach them to devalue relationships with other Christians who follow the "low gospel." Now 99% of their deepest relationships are in The Recovery. Then they start finding out all the nasty things that you guys did. They have concerns and want to fix the problem with their fellow saints in The Recovery. What are they told? Some believers would rather meet in another place where they are more comfortable.

"If you do not like it here, you can leave."

To take your own life is ones own responsibility, not a specific group of believers. It is ridiculous to blame anyone other than a mentally confused person. It is sad when a person is so depressed that they take their life, but no one encourages such an action. Obviously a weak, depressed, confused person needs some help and perhaps should seek it professionally. May the Lord have mercy on all the weaker vessels.
I would counsel you to read up on some basic psychology. Maybe take a semester with the simplest psychology courses in some community college. That's all it takes. Then when you finish those most basic of courses in psychology, take a hard look at what you've written right here while considering everything that your denomination teaches.

And boy will I have a laugh if you respond with something akin to "I am a psychologist."
A Curious Fellow
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