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Old 08-12-2023, 08:28 PM   #247
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Default Re: Open Letter - Dear Saints in the Lord's Recovery - Joann Casteel

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi Ohio,
If someone does not like to fellowship and worship in the Lord's recovery, then they are free to leave. Some believers would rather meet in another place where they are more comfortable. To take your own life is ones own responsibility, not a specific group of believers. It is ridiculous to blame anyone other than a mentally confused person. It is sad when a person is so depressed that they take their life, but no one encourages such an action. Obviously a weak, depressed, confused person needs some help and perhaps should seek it professionally. May the Lord have mercy on all the weaker vessels.
You missed (perhaps unintentional?) the reason behind the sister’s letter. Her medical profession DEMANDED that she report abuse. She had no choice. It was demanded by both God (in her conscience) and man (by her medical oaths.). Her husband did his best to support her.

None of us had access to the enormous pressures that weighed on him. We don’t know what private phone calls or correspondence added stress beyond his ability to bear. Where were all the brothers he loved? Since when does brotherly love get tossed in the trash when someone speaks for the Lord in truth?

Many of the Prophets also despaired of life. What the Lord moved in them to share was far more than they could bear. One day all those who protect abusers and sinners will be exposed. “Blessed are those who suffer for righteousness sake.”
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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