Spiritual Fathers
I, uh... I just heard from a friend who is still in the Recovery (kind of). He plans on leaving soon.
Anyhoo... I don't know. He told me about my mentor, a father figure of mine for nine years.
More of a father than my real father. A real father.dka
He was apparently really angry that I left, and he recently said some things about me to some of the brothersas
My freind wouldn't etell me what he said, but another brother rebuked my old mentor. Someone rebuked my father.
He said something pretty bad, I guess? BUt my friend wouldn' tell me
I felt pretty sad and cried even though I don't even know what he said. BUt then all my emotions turned off. I've felt this before a couple of times in my life, but I'm not certain what it is when emotiones turn off.
They're coming back on slowly, I guess? Kind of like when your ear rings and your hearing comes back slowly. Um... I dpunno. Just wanted to share.
Gonna go to bed now. Goodnight.
A Curious Fellow