Originally Posted by gr8ful
This passage is textbook example of deflection, gaslighting, and malicious manipulation. To say the sins of larceny, forced sexual abuse are "necessary" for a "minister" to exist is bold! So bold!
WL's methodology for sinning leaders is in contrast in every way to the Apostle Paul's pattern here:
Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses. Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning. I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality. - I Timothy 5.19-21
Paul actually told Timothy to reject all frivolous complaints, such as the ones --
or so we thought -- WL was describing when he shared this during the Genesis Life Study. Never ever did we consider that WL was referring to the sins and unrighteousness committed by Philip Lee, the LSM "Office Manager." When godly, mature elders in Anaheim addressed his son's rotten character and sinful behavior, WL comes out publicly defending himself and justifying the hiring of his reprobate son, "
don't I have the right to hire an unsaved chef."
Huh? Not if you are poisoning the church of God!
Then Apostle Paul mentions 2 or 3 witnesses, i
.e. 2 or 3 credible witnesses, according to the pattern in Deut 19.15. No "chicken bones or feathers" allowed here. Rather serious crimes against the children of God. "
Rebuke in the presence of all!" Had WL done that, we probably would not be discussing this still today.
I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels to maintain these principles without bias, and without partiality." Here WL violated every single principle. WL was totally
biased against every brother who demanded justice. And he was
totally partial towards his own sinning son, Philip.
For those not aware of one of the serious situations in Anaheim written about in John Ingalls' account
Speaking the Truth in Love, Philip Lee had violated one married sister serving at LSM. Her husband then was on the way to kill PL, until John Ingalls was able to persuade him to stop. In order to hide these sins from the church, WL had every brother expelled with blackened reputations.
He chose his own rotten prodigal degenerate son over God, His word, His church, righteousness, holiness, and the truth.