Thread: My experience
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Old 08-06-2023, 04:52 PM   #3
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Default Re: My experience

I know that not all members did full time training. Many of them left after a semester or year due to personal reasons. I was interested in the training programme, but I changed my mind afterwards. I wish I took part of other Christian student associations such as Intervarsity. I eventually learnt about the dark truth of Local church cult. I was shunned when I wore a sleeveless vest to a home meeting. I also argued with the elders about changing my name (it was a Chinese meeting). This cult is closed minded because they had to abandon a lot of stuff such as pop music, tv shows, video games, etc. I used to dress formally during Lord’s meeting, but at other churches, there is no strict dress cute for men. I’m willing to meet with former members of Local Church cult and learn about their experiences. I’m speaking about about this Lord’s Recovery aka local church cult. Corruption exists.
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