Thread: My experience
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Old 08-06-2023, 06:01 AM   #1
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Default My experience

Greetings. I was baptised in Church in Diamond Bar. I attended student home meetings in Chinese, variety of conferences and Christians on Campus meetings. During my 3rd year at university, I met with the full time training students and accepted their invitations. As time goes by, I get a sense of boredom and left the Lord’s recovery aka Local churches. I learnt that Witness Lee and Watchman Nee are key figures (both are deceased). This organisation is also huge at Taiwan.

I eventually turned my back against this organisation because they shout “Oh! Lord Jesus!”. I was annoyed by this exercising spirit prayer. Also I’m not willing to read the Morning Revival and other books by Living Stream Ministry. I decided not to do training programme at Anaheim nor Boston. For their version of the Bible, there are footnotes which are Witness Lee’s interpretation which I feel biased.

This local church movement has a lot of scandals and controversial moments which they’re covered up. This organisation doesn’t want any association with other churches, and outsiders are alienated. I heard that families have been ruined because of this religious extremist organisation. Sisters have been accusing brothers of sexual offences, but they were prevented from speaking out. There are no ministers nor any form of leadership. There are no donations, especially during Lord’s meeting. I heard that brothers and sisters have committed suicide because of influence from this extremist cult. If I happen to be in a relationship with a Church Life sister, I’ll call it off immediately.

From now on, I prefer churches that pray like this “Dear Heavenly Father…in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.” On a side note, I don’t support Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and other churches that reject the Holy Trinity.
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