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Old 08-05-2023, 05:40 PM   #38
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Default Re: I Tell The Truth!

Originally Posted by I tell the truth View Post
Yes I'm old enough to leave. But the second you do the news will spread quickly to the saints. And, you will be prayed about to be recovered. Certain saints will immediately contact you and try to get together with you subtle to shepherd you back.
I worked with the children's ministry for 7 years. Taught them scripture, sang songs with them, did science experiments with them, played games with them, was invited to birthday parties, spent much time and fellowship with families and parents, prayed much and worked much for the children. It was my life.

When I suddenly texted three of the brothers who were leading the children's ministry that I was leaving, all I got was one response.

"Ok, brother!"

When I texted a sister who I worked with in the YP ministry for three-ish years that I was leaving TLR, I got no response.

In the midst of the situation that was the tipping point for me to leave back in January, I received one phone call from one elder. I missed it and tried to return the call with no answer. I was not close to this brother.

I received a text from another elder who was my mentor asking if I wanted to meet. He did not mention anything about the hectic situation I was in, and I was in no mood to speak to him because it was a terrifying situation for me and he was one of the elders who participated in the event that made me leave. He has not since tried to contact me. I had no desire to deal with the emotional manipulation that I knew they often practiced (and this was before finding out about all the testimonies of people who had left!)

My best friend heard me out at first, but when it came time to choose between the "oneness" and doing what was right in that situation, he stonewalled me.

As it stands now, only one member currently in there has heard my situation and my thoughts on the matter. He knows I have left, but he has sought me out to keep fellowshipping with me. When I told him what happened, he was very understanding and is even now considering leaving, but I am not certain if he has the heart to do it. I pray the Lord will take care of him. He is still a young man with his whole future ahead of him. This is understandably a lot to deal with, and I don't blame him for hesitating. Took me 9 years to figure it out.

I've had no contact with anyone else for the last 6 months. No others have reached out to me. Feels like I never existed. A very strange feeling. I found out afterwards that I was seen as a sort of "black sheep" and was seen as "contentious" because I often contested the way they do things. Perhaps they see me as too far gone to even bother with. It's a chilling thought, but I am not particularly eager to speak with loved ones who are hooked on Lee's nonsense. It scares me how often they set reason on fire and throw it off a cliff to defend what they do. My heart could barely handle what happened in January, and I was not even the one being abused but rather was trying to defend another. It really messed me up to see how strong the group think was. It was incredibly disturbing.
A Curious Fellow

Last edited by ACuriousFellow; 08-05-2023 at 05:45 PM. Reason: Additional information/clarification.
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