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Old 08-02-2023, 10:30 AM   #9
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Does anyone still care?

Originally Posted by ACuriousFellow View Post

I suddenly don't feel so alone anymore... May the Lord pour an overabundance of grace and mercy and peace and strength and rest upon those who continue in such endeavors. The first that comes to mind is a YouTube channel called "The Lord's Recovery Unchained." They've take up quite an endeavor, and it's gotten pretty heated in that comments section.
ACuriousFellow - welcome to the forum!

I'm glad you don't feel alone in this experience anymore. I have been amazed the few times I've sat down to really understand what's wrong with a particular teaching, just how much "off" stuff there is. Or just how much one off thing is connected to another off thing is connected to another off thing. Or how the ministry will misrepresent a verse juuuuust a little bit, which ends up so far off course down the line. It really makes me grieve for all the "saints in the church" who are entangled in this web. It truly is an entire "system of error". And it feels almost literally designed to be so, all the ways the errors are mutually supportive, etc. Add on top of that the culture of blatant eisegesis, and the saints who largely don't seem to be able to grasp the eisegetical approach they so often take, and it feels pretty hopeless.

But we know it's not hopeless, because we are all here and not trapped there anymore. And according to what you've said on other comments in this thread, there are still others in the local church who are in the process of realizing what's wrong. I hope they are supplied to keep pushing through the quagmire and to get out of that place that's so devoid of light and love.

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