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Old 08-02-2023, 05:59 AM   #172
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Default Re: Quotes and Quips

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Hey Onlooker,
Not sure what version you are using, but I'm not aware of any book in the Bible called "May"? Probably a typo?
You right UntoHim, just a typo. It was meant to be Matt 13:17.

Here is a quote for those whose local church experience just felt flat, or even worse. It’s all your fault, at least according to the Lee’s Superlatives Machine, or LSM.

“If we claim that we are calling on the Lord and releasing our spirit, yet month after month and year after year there is no sanctification, transformation, conformation, or building up, we need to consider whether our calling and releasing our spirit are genuine. If our calling and releasing our spirit are genuine, the Lord will come into us as life to save us by sanctifying, transforming, conforming, and building us up.”
We were just not genuine brothers and sisters, just faked our way around for decades! 😷
Don’t ever question his tactics or prescriptions, question your own genuineness and your personal beliefs, because the gold standard of spiritual expertise has spoken!
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