Re: 1000 Years Discipline
A few questions for my esteemed brother Raptor.
(***These inquiries are made in good faith, and not meant to be merely rhetorical, or meant to be "gottcha" type questions. They are, however, questions that those who subscribe to the kind of interpretations you have supported in this thread need to answer with proofs from Scripture, especially the writings of the authors of the New Testament epistles.)
*Where, in the New Testament epistles, or in the earliest of Christian writings, did the scripture writing apostles (or early authors) make any clear and concise difference between "The Kingdom of God" and "The Kingdom of Heaven"? And if they did, where did they make any clear and concise statements/teachings that would indicate that the Kingdom of Heaven will, at least in part, be a time of punishment/discipline for genuine believers who did not live up to some (undefined as of yet) standard of behavior?
*Where, in the New Testament epistles, or in the earliest Christian writings, were the terms "weeping and gnashing of teeth" applied to genuine believers as a descriptor of their disposition before God in the coming Kingdom, ostensibly for not living up to some (undefined as of yet) standard of behavior?
*Apart from Watchman Nee, Witness Lee and the Brethren teachers who heavily influenced them, could you please cite a number of renown, reputable teachers, scholars, authors or apologists who have clearly and concisely annunciated the teachings that are being discussed here in this thread.
Many thanks to Raptor and all those who have argued in good faith on this thread. I think we can all agree that the subject of rewards and discipline in the age to come is extremely important for us to discus here on this forum.
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11