Originally Posted by alwayscurious
Thank you all for the responses. It'll be quite a future trying to break down a lifetime of being told one thing, when in fact, it was mostly never true to begin with.
Amen to that. Despite serving in the college campus, children's meetings, and YP meetings over the last seven years, I've had no contact from just about everyone I once associated with since I left. That's several dozen loved ones, young and old, that I've known all these years. Just one brother who is still in it keeps in contact with me, yet even he is considering leaving. It was "easier" for me in that I was absolutely resolved to leave and break off from them, but not emotionally. I steeled my will and did not falter in my decision to leave once I made it, but my heart was still broken. Still, it was a process that felt like chains being removed. It feels like I've come out of deep waters and can breath again. It also helped to have strong spiritual guidance from family and friends outside of the Recovery. I hope you're able to find strength and healing on this journey of yours.