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Old 07-25-2023, 03:34 AM   #55
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Another apparent fraud

Going back to my point about the NT. Suppose in the book of Acts, you saw people selling properties and laying the proceeds at Peter's feet. Then you see where Peter sets up a ski resort on Mount Hermon, run by his children and cousins? What would the gospel look like?

Both Nee and Lee are seen as doing this, setting up family members and close associates with church money. (Lee for sure, Nee set up a factory with his brother and was removed by elders for "business dealings", also laundered assets through 63 church members when Mao took over.)

Another apparent fraud is KP Yohannan, who has a fundraising arm that pulls in the hundreds of millions that is supposed to go to the impoverished and unchurched Asian areas. But his group is laundering money by getting for-profit entities, etc etc...

He started his own church that holds him as "Metropolitan" and he gets full say in what goes. The way to get ahead, and get the perks and the bennies, is to promote him. Whatever KP says is God's current speaking in the church. Sound familiar?

And guess who KP Yohannan is seen hanging out with on YouTube and discussing finer points of mysticism and spirituality - our old friend Hank Hanegraff! A few hundred thousand*, and Hank will tell the world what a good Christian you are.

*Uncertain how much $ changed hands, but certain that some did. We know that "We were wrong" cost Morningstar (Chan family $) about $600K.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'

Last edited by aron; 07-25-2023 at 04:02 AM. Reason: footnote
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