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Old 07-23-2023, 07:27 AM   #526
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Default Re: What is the New Testament Definition of a Church

Hello forum,
I read this quote from Nee, that made me laugh. Not sure when he said this, but didn’t both him and Lee did precisely this?

“As such, many nominal believers will remain forever nominal and will not know salvation nor be edified to grow spiritually. This kind of work where one is ordained to manage a whole congregation and where the whole congregation, whether it be thirty people or three hundred people, is assigned to the hands of one person alone as the "flock" under him, with no one else who can interfere or have any say in the matter, is the result of the teaching of the Nicolaitans.”

CWWN, vol.4, “ The Christian meditations on Revelation,” Ch.5: Pergamos— the Corrupted Church.
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