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Old 07-18-2023, 08:01 AM   #20
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: The Local Church does not Value Family, Children or Relatives

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Forgiveness needs repentance. JI was dissenting, opinionated, and he seemed so spiritual when he would talk with others about his experience and love after he was approached by some mature brothers. The Lord always give man a chance for forgiveness, man must confess and His being will be in the light. Just because a brother expresses a concern does not automatically mean he is right. Hatred versus the Lord's recovery expresses itself in blindness. So many on this site have stated that the Bible says to point out that which is wrong, and this justifies whatever they say about the LC's. But when a brother wants to point out something about JI it is considered "squishing a bug". I see lots of smoke blowing around on this site, but no fire----except a fire made up by opinionated Christians. Gandhi said that "so many of you are not like your Christ". Boy was he correct.
Have you read "Speaking the Truth in Love" by John Ingalls? Please read it here.

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BTW: Hatred toward those who have left Lord's recovery expresses itself in blindness.
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