Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
I'd be interested in seeing that too.
May I ask those who have read this book and other collaborating things, what is the percentage of confidence do you have, that what is conveyed in them is completely true?
I ask this because I've read various things here and there over the years, both pro and cons related to Nee's behavior and activities (including retorts from his detractors). I've basically accepted that he did things that weren't good, and don't feel the need to dive too deeply into them. I personally don't have a lot of influence from Nee these days, so again, I just don't see the need to go that deep into what others report regarding his negative activities.
So for those who have dove deeply into these matters, what is your confidence level that at least the majority of these things are true about Nee? 50% confidence? 100%?
I was told the story that WN was asked by the Shanghai elders whether he “was living with a woman.” Being the saintly pure brother that he was, he answered “yes,” knowing the woman was his own mother. Upon hearing that answer, the elders promptly excommunicated WN.
After reading Hsu’s account, I reconsidered WL’s story of WN’s “infidelity,” long accepted as gospel truth in the LC’s. For WL’s version of events to be true, we must assume that the Shanghai elders, appointed by WN himself, were complete dunces. Remember that Shanghai was the largest church, and the center of WN’s ministry. Could or would they make such a brash decision so carelessly without proper inquiry, without two witnesses, and without sober prayerful consideration?
What would be the chances of that?
What troubled me even more was how WN was “restored.” There was no repentance. The WN’s first message was to teach “handing over.” Unless one sold everything, giving the proceeds to “the ministry,” that one had no part in the work of ministry.
Dr. Lily Hsu’s version of history makes far more sense than anything WL told us. Eventually, over time, I was forced to conclude that none of WL’s historical accounts could be trusted any longer. Every single one was suspect, and could only be accepted with 2nd source corroboration.