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Old 07-08-2023, 09:35 AM   #332
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Before the Wrath - I'm not sure about this...

One of the speakers (Jack Hibbs) at one point says this:

59 minutes in:
“So you’ve got the parable of those with oil in their lamp. You’ve got ten of them. All ten started, but not all ten finished. At the time of the midnight cry they all jumped up and trimmed their lamps. But only five had enough oil to continue on.

This is key. Symbolically in Scripture, the oil is reference to the Holy Spirit in your life. So you can be a believer. Jesus said “these are they who believed for awhile”. It doesn’t mean you are born again to believe. Has your belief brought you to faith in Christ.”

Essentially he's saying you can be a believer, but it doesn't mean you are born again..

What does THAT mean? Zezima? Ohio? Anybody?

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