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Old 07-04-2023, 08:19 PM   #161
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 361
Default Re: Quotes and Quips

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
You mean divisive differences like only learning from the Oracle of the age? Believing that churches named according to cities are the only legitimate ones?

I guess my general understanding of the church as the body of Christ and the assembling of those that comprise that body was wrong. I need a new Bible that teaches their way.

But the thing that is missing in quotes like this one is: "What is the church life?" How is it defined such that not being all-in with whatever the LRC is selling constitutes a "divisive difference" that denies that there is a church with any kind of life, therefore "impossible . . . to have . . ."?

A lot of really interesting questions, but before engaging I’d ask you to pray. The question mark is an upside down serpent, and critical thoughts are darts from satan.
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