Originally Posted by Nell
Thanks Ohio. Posting with love and concern for the bretheren is all we ask of our poster children on the forum. Feel free to discuss.
I hope you can find "Before the Wrath". It's different from any movie I've seen on the end times--it's much more than that. It tells a beautiful story set in the culture of Gallilea.
I did find this video "
Before the Wrath" and there are many things I liked about what was presented. There was enough there that it demands a second viewing, and maybe a third.
Can you believe that those folks would actually prepare for a wedding in that manner? Only God's miraculous behind-the-scenes sovereignty could enable such a custom to develop over time, with the definite goal of presenting future events, the marriage of His First Born. Pretty incredible, eh?
It's kind of similar to God demanding Abraham to sacrifice his long-promised son Isaac on Mount Moriah. That old Genesis story
by itself borders on the absurd, like some incredulous myth, or perhaps by a deranged imagination,
u_n_l_e_s_s . . .
God desired to give us an actual real life story of faith to help us understand His incredible love for His own Son, and how one day He would allow His Son to be horribly slain on a cross for our sins. "
God so loved the world ..."