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Old 06-29-2023, 09:38 AM   #320
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Default Re: Before the Wrath

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
This week I found a movie on Fubo: Before the Wrath It's available other places. I've transcribed part of the opening comments below: (emphasis added)

There is a sobering discussion around the 25%, in the church, who no longer believe in a literal rapture. At least I understood that the 25% were in the church. I could be wrong.

I really like this movie. It's well done and contains an interesting and different point of view. I couldn't find any deviation to scriptural truth. I'm watching it again...just in case!

Most of the movie covers (spoiler alert) a wedding in Galilee (not Canaan). I hope you find it somewhere and take a look.

Before the Wrath

Nell, I would love to discuss this topic further, but it might engender further conflicts on the forum. On my part, I will only post out of love and concern for the children of God.

For example, recently we joined a church with other family members, long-standing in their church. The Bible Study before Worship moved onto the Rapture and His 2nd Advent. Just asking questions about their Pre-Trib demands got us into trouble. Prior to this Bible Study, I had really not studied this topic since the mid-70's.

That recent study by Christianity Today was introduced, "1/3 of today's Pastors (36%) believe in Pre-Trib Rapture!" So I asked, "what about the other 2/3?" Later on I heard, "Don't worry! Nothing in Revelation applies to us, since we will all be gone!" So I asked, "what about the numerous martyrs in Revelation and v. 22.16?" The final words were mocking, "if you want to stick around for God's judgment, then have at it!" Privately I asked, "if I'm wrong, then no harm done, but if you're wrong, then so many will be ill-prepared for what may come." He answered, "that's a risk I'm willing to take."

They rejected further personal discussions, and basically applied Romans 16.17.

I'll try to find the movie. Thanks.
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