Originally Posted by UntoHim
How very convenient of a question coming from someone who claimed that the little religious sect that he founded equals the Body of Christ.
Too bad none of the brothers present when Witness posed this question had the guts or gumption to confront him about the fact that ever since the minute he set foot on our fair land in America, he had absolutely no regard or care for the Body of Christ which had been established here on our continent for hundreds of years.
And now "Brother Lee's Continuation", the Blended Brothers, have continued the charade - they too have boldly declared that their little denomination/sect/cult, which compromises less than .001% of the Body of Christ here in America, is equal to the Body of Christ. If this kind of foolery was not so tragic and dangerous to those under their spell, it would be laughable. May God have mercy.
The moment anyone comes close to questioning the absolute authoritarian structure of the local church, they invoke the “continual apostolic reign” to squash any and all supposed dissenters. Clamming for power, rule and subsequent adherence to “ministry of Lee and Nee”, is a inherent disease of the current deformed leadership. I continue to get amazed that they haven’t been able to post a single article YET, where nether of the man are featured to be the final say regarding faith and practices. I’m guessing that the New Testament wasn’t enough for them to see how many times it warns about this precise situation, so they now have the Last Testament to go by, which is an addition to Word of God written by Lee.
Nee used it in the 1930-40s, Lee used it in 1970-80s, and now the self conceited blended are on the same path. Can anyone say history repeats itself? It does, like clockwork. However each time it does, it takes people further down the path and away from Christ. O foolish blended, who had bewitched you? For no other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ, are you all this blind? Christ should have preeminence in all things, but these two men should be avoided at all costs as the most divisive and self serving men that they were. Everyone is in division except the members of LC as I was told many times, makes only sense when you have and are building on another foundation. Now, having mocked all others from your high ground is a fruit that will bring more rotten fruits down the road! I know that your phraseology is a ploy for deception, and “corrections and misunderstandings”, are blatant attempts to suppress the truth in favor of your golden goose, but even that will fade to obscurity.
(See Plymouth Brethren movement, who’s concepts your men stole, under the new banner of “Recovery”).