Originally Posted by TLFisher
From this article just to raise a question from what shepherdingwords.com is not saying:
On August 13, 1978, one of the elders in Anaheim shared a message in a church meeting from First and Second Timothy and Titus concerning how important it is for a believer to take care of their conscience before God (1 Tim. 1:5, 19; 3:9; 4:2; 2 Tim. 1:3; Titus 1:15).
My guess "one of the elders in Anaheim" shepherdingwords.com is not acknowledging is likely Al Knoch or John Ingalls. Living Stream Ministry does not recognize nor credit John Ingalls for the hymns he wrote. After John Ingalls left meeting with the Church in Anaheim, tapes of messages he gave were thrown away.
Even though AL Knoch never said anything publicly against Witness Lee, he is not viewed favorably in LC. In the US versus THEM mindset that is pervasive in the LSM affiliated Local Churches, Al was not for US so he must be with THEM. I believe Al said so himself that he was "squashed like a bug".
I would also add during this era the only Anaheim elders I remembered were John Ingalls, Al Knoch, Francis Ball in addition to Max Rapaport who left. I don't believe it was Francis Ball who gave the message. Having been a loyal brother to Living Stream, I think he would have been credited by shepherdingwords.com. Also latter half of 1978 is when I think is when Witness Lee sent Francis to San Bernardino. For certain Francis was there in June 1979 when my parents moved to that area.