06-10-2023, 04:05 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
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Re: Reactions to Articles @ ShepherdingWords.Com
1970s – Max Rapoport
In February 1978 some brothers informed Brother Lee that one of the co-workers, Max Rapoport, was seeking to undermine his work and ministry and to incite a “revolution” among the younger saints in the local churches. By the Lord’s leading Brother Lee did nothing to directly oppose Rapoport’s efforts or to expose his misconduct. Instead, he began to travel and minister concerning the crucial need for every saint to have a personal time with the Lord every day in the Word and in prayer (Life Messages). He also released exceedingly rich ministry later published in books such as The Experience of Christ and Life-study of Ephesians. Rapoport had been cultivating a personal following among younger co-workers and elders, but the contrast between the riches of Brother Lee’s ministry and the fleshly zeal that Rapoport promoted caused most of them to have a change of heart, so Rapoport’s incipient rebellion collapsed. On August 13, 1978, one of the elders in Anaheim shared a message in a church meeting from First and Second Timothy and Titus concerning how important it is for a believer to take care of their conscience before God (1 Tim. 1:5, 19; 3:9; 4:2; 2 Tim. 1:3; Titus 1:15). Rapoport took personal offense, got up in the middle of the meeting and left. He never returned. No one took any action to force him out. In fact, Witness Lee did not speak publicly about this turmoil until a conference held September 29 to October 1, over six weeks after Rapoport left (Truth Messages, chapters 1 through 4), and then he spoke in principle only and named no one.
Can you please provide the source for this quote from your original post #138?