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Old 06-09-2023, 10:19 AM   #14
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Default Re: The Local Church does not Value Family, Children or Relatives

The family unit has been the number one target of satan ever since Genesis account. What our society is going through today, and especially for the past 100 years, is a direct result of the kind of fruits that we see and experience today. I read this quote from Walter Martin awhile back, that resonated with me very much.

“The second factor in the growth of the cults is the breakdown of the family. Cults provide the family atmosphere many from broken homes long for; the cult leader often takes the place of a father figure.”
If there is anything that I could look back to, and point, is that how many people including myself, came to LC from dysfunctional and broken families? Reading some posts here, reiterates many things related to this issue. I know that the current members will not and cannot ever admit this out loud, because everything is extremely spiritualized there, but one could really make an argument that a lot of people in this group are there because their natural desires of family, love, care, was never given to them. You can say that their natural relationships within their birth families or marriages didn’t satisfy their cravings that they have, and these are the kind of people that are targeted by movements like the local church.

I remember that in my locality, more than 50% of people were divorced at least once, a lot of them lost all relationships with their children, but what kept them in the local church was the camaraderie and the outward effervescence that you in a lot of cases cannot find in the churches outside of LC. So to hear people cutting off their natural family, and just immersing themselves into the church life at all costs, is pretty feasible and not uncommon.

I also think that there is levels to this extremist within the group. Some who are just floaters, and some who are zealots, and the competition for who will be the better overcomer between those who are all in, brings extreme hurts and destructive behavior that is cloaked under the guise of spiritually, when actually is just the lack of care and love that those people never got from their own homes.
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