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Old 06-01-2023, 08:41 AM   #8
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: All-inclusive Christ’: how an Asian-friendly church from China swept th

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
How common is it for people in leadership in the LC to attend seminary? This article references the man getting a graduate degree at Fuller while he was part of the LC. That seems quite different from what I thought was their view of theological training outside their own system.
Not common AT ALL. Notice that "Michael Chen" is revealed later in the article not to be his real name ("whose name has been changed here to protect his identity"). I wouldn't be surprised if he was really a higher up brother who the co-workers "assigned" to go to Fuller in order to get the appearance of credibility in larger Christian circles, etc. Theological study for the sake of later manipulation, so to speak.

Having said that, there certainly may be some free-wheeling leaders in the LC, and maybe his seminary studies are non-manipulatively legit. But given that seminaries have been summarily dismissed as "cemeteries" by Ron Kangas, it would take an extra specially thick-skinned and independent-souled brother to do that and not care about the stigma and group pressure.

Something is a little funny in the article given that Chen is described as "living in the San Gabriel Valley, east of Los Angeles" in California as well as currently a "minister in the church in Franklin, New Jersey". Obviously we know both can't be true.
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