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Old 06-01-2023, 08:09 AM   #7
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
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Default Re: All-inclusive Christ’: how an Asian-friendly church from China swept th

Here are some of the comments included at the end of the article:

Heather B.
My father was an elder in this group so I'm very familiar. Although most people involved are good and well intentioned, most don't realize they're involved with leadership using unethical thought reform practices. Current cult experts have listed criteria to define a destructive cult. Unfortunately, they use too many of the practices to be a safe group. They use deceptive recruitment methods, shame, fear, oppression of the individual, group think, black and white thinking, thought-stopping techniques, NLP, unethical teachings of authority/submission, sexism, and elitism- just to name a few. Like I said, the members are usually kind- they are just trained to act in ways that break down good boundaries. They're in an extreme thought reform program. You can't hit most check marks on cult models (like the BITE model) and not be in a thought reform program. God doesn't work that way. If it's not ok for every group to do it, it's not ok for any group to do it. No matter what you believe- you can't justify unethical methods to achieve your goal. The ends do not justify the means. This group is toxic. Myself and so many have had years of struggle and unlearning the learned helplessness, unworthiness, shame, and fear they taught us as children. We actually sat in circles as children and read Witness Lee books. They made us perform our spirituality in front of our peers by yelling and chanting. We literally had no choice-it was so embarrassing. They are an unhealthy group- to say the least!!
If you really want to know the truth, ask someone who grew up in it and left. The ones that grew up in it and stayed are living in bubbles. We were not prepared for life. Their teachings destroy children's self esteem and confidence. They teach learned helplessness and group dependence- especially towards women. Look at the women in the group- especially the ones over 40. How many look happy? Which ones would you consider role models? Look very hard before deciding to give your time and money to leadership who do this to their own members.
Witness Lee's church is a cult. Forced in as elementary
A C.
Not sure about suggestions of Watchman Nee's inappropriate conduct with female colleagues and prostitutes. No source is cited in the article. At most, they were just rumours.
Brian C.
@A C. Agree. Such a serious accusation against one's conduct should be based on a solid and reliable firsthand source. Furthermore, it is not fair without providing readers any context for where the accusation originated—during a series of horrible political movements, such as the "three-anti and five-anti campaigns" and the "anti-rightist campaign" in the 1950s, in which many faithful Christian leaders, including Nee, were targeted, falsely accused, and cruelly persecuted. Also the Sufan movement (1955-1957), the term "sufan" means "to purge of the hidden counterrevolutionaries". It was when the false accusation came out.
@A C. He had an illegitimate son
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11
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