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Old 05-28-2023, 06:33 PM   #12
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

WitnessAlot, I replied to your PM. All things considered, I still feel my full story should be restricted within person to person conversation, but the following is excerpt as much as I feel comfortable of what has transpired in South Korea.

The Churches of South Korea have been under two distinguishable leadership camps almost from its inception. One was anti-Witness Lee camp, the other was pro-Witness Lee camp. The context of this unfortunate beginning was due to the fact that Br. Kown, who brought the Lord's Recovery to South Korea from Taiwan was a kind of dissent from Witness Lee. It is known that Br. Kown was Korean but participated in Chinese army during the 2nd world war, ending up settling in Taiwan and he found the Lord's Recovery there.(I heard that most of Taiwanese saints thought Br. Kown was Chinese because his Chinese speaking accent was almost perfect) However, He returned to South Korea without fellowship with the leadership in Taiwan, and began his own ministry in South Korea. Later during 80's, some saints found the ministry of Witness Lee in the States, and they requested opening up of the door for the mutual fellowship with Churches in the States and LSM but the founding brothers of South Korea at that time refused the request (Br. Kown already passed away, so the leading brothers were Br. Kown's 2nd generation brothers with anti-Witness Lee sentiment), and there was serious division and criticism among each camps. To sum up, two camps reached so called "oneness" with opening up for Churches in the States and LSM agreed upon, but rivalry and hostility among each camps lasted. To make long story short, a serving brother under pro-Witness Lee camp started an unreasonable(where, "unreasonable" is quite euphemistic choice of word by me) business of about 1 billion dollars. Then the pro-witness Lee camp brothers jumped into the business in person, set up a legal business corporation, holding several business pitching ceremonies in the training center, introducing the brothers as "business men" to attendees for fund-raising. As usual, their pretext was for the furtherance of gospel. They claimed they would use the fanicial gain through the business for the Lord. However,finally, the business turned out to be a terrible failure, losing most of fund raised from saints and non-believers, the initiating brother was litigated for the crime of fraud. Then, the leading brother of pro-Witness camp abruptly changed his position and began to criticize the initiating brother with his excuse that he himself was a kind of victim rather than perpetrator. The story thus far is all about Korean brothers, but the more serious part is what and from when the leadership brothers in the States and Taiwan know of this unreasonable business, and how they responded after the business failure confirmed and a really big, tsunami turmoil transpired in South Korea in the wake of that failure.I guess saying this much is appropriated for now. Thanks for listening.
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