Originally Posted by Onlooker
Is there even such a thing as a past truth or present truth? Isn’t what was true 2000 years ago is still true today?
I'm not sure if this is helpful,but...
Aletheia, which is the original Greek word for reality or truth, is composed of "a" + 'lēthē', meaning un-forgetting in its Greek etymology. Seems like Greeks had been thinking at that time that crossing over the river of Lethe (forgetting) leads to hell, or the realm of the dead, i.e. separation from the real world of the living. We might think that the vivid sense of this living world is reality to ancient Greeks, and the NT writers adoped this Greek word.
Anyway, under this context, reality(aletheia) should be understood as beyond specific time or tense context, so the expressons like "past truth or present truth" sound quite inappropriated to me.