Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle Paul!
"I don't claim to have an exhaustive knowledge of church history. But neither am I totally lacking. If someone is sober and thorough, you consider the ministers of the age. Their vision, their ministry and their person. Where do you have to go in church history to find a match? Andrew Murray was outstanding....not a match! Darby? No! Whitfield? No! Wesley? No! Calvin? No! Luther? No! Thomas Aquinas? No? Augustine? No! You have to go all the way back to the apostles. Where we are in the Lord's Recovery is this: The Recovery has reached the stage of the full recovery of the ministry, the vision given to the apostles. I'm not exalting anyone, it's just the fact! Darby did not have Brother Nee's constitution. Luther didn't have Brother Lee's constitution. The Lord needed a certain kind of person to carry out a particular kind of ministry under the vision of the age, so that the desire of God's heart for this age will actually be carried out."
That is one of the biggest loads of bovine scat that I have ever came across! Maybe some studying of real history outside the Witness and Watchman should be ordered for this individual, but highly unlikely to happen.